Right where it belongs Remix

by Nine Inch Nails

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v4.06  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 6:10 a.m. ← Back

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With Teeth (halo)

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1st → S�v 3
2nd → S�v 2
3rd → S�v 1

File Size

19 KB




See the an-i-mal in his cage that you built Are you sure what side you're on? Bet-ter not look him too close-ly in the eye Are you sure what side of the glass you are on? See the safe-ty of the life you have built Eve-ry-thing where it be-longs Feel the hol-low-ness in-side of your heart And it's all Right where it be-longs What if eve-ry-thing a-round you Is-n't quite as it seems What if all the world you think you know Is an e-lab-o-rate dream? And if you look at your re-flec-tion Is that all you want to be? What if you could look right through the cracks Would you find your-self find your-self a-fraid to see? What if all the world's in-side of your head Just cre-a-tions of your own? Your dev-ils and your gods all the liv-ing and the dead And you're.re-ally all a-lone You can live in this illusion You can choose to believe You keep look-ing but you can't find the woods While you�re hid-ing in the trees What if eve-ry-thing a-round you Is-n't quite as it seems What if all the world you used you know Is an e-lab-o-rate dream? And if you look at your re-flec-tion Is that all you want to be? What if you could look right through the cracks Would you find your-self find your-self a-fraid to see?


Enjoy! If the lyrics is indistinct somewhere, you can see any word here at the lyrics. Tab by Aquir 00aquir@gmail.com